• How An Attorney Can Help You In What Seems Like A Frivolous Personal Injury Suit

    Personal injury lawsuits don't always happen for obvious reasons. For example, a friend jumping into your pool and injuring themselves may seem like a weak reason for a lawsuit. However, it has happened before and thrown unprepared people for a loop. That's why it is critical to take these cases seriously and to hire an attorney. The Judge May Allow What Seems Frivolous To Continue  In your eyes, your friend's personal injury lawsuit may seem to have no merit.
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  • Taking A Trip Down Divorce Street

    If you and your spouse have decided to call it a day, you may be wondering "what's next?". Going from married to single is a process, and a great deal of how it goes depends on you and your soon-to-be ex. You can make your divorce quick and easy or contracted and difficult; and when you can work issues out yourselves instead of using the courts, you will get away with a divorce that is cheaper, faster, and easier.
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  • Involved In A Slip And Fall Accident? Three Steps You Should Take After The Accident

    When you slip and fall, the first thing on your mind is not a personal injury lawsuit. Instead, you may be concerned about your health and potential injuries, ensuring this doesn't happen to anyone else or even being embarrassed after falling. While a personal injury claim is not likely on your mind at this point in time, the steps you take after the accident can impact any claim you may potentially file in the future.
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  • Online Libel: What To Know

    The advent of the internet and social media has brought profound changes to the way people communicate, get information and are entertained. These positive effects are all well and good, until they end up causing harm. Anything posted on web sites, social media and more are subject to a particular form of personal injury known as libel. As a reminder, defamatory statements can consist of slander, which is the spoken offense and libel, which is the written form of the offense.
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  • Suffering from an Illness or Injury? Find Out If a Personal-Injury Case Is Right for You

    When you have suffered an illness or an injury, no matter what the circumstances, you may find yourself not only wondering how it happened or how you will get treatment to overcome it but also whether or not there is any need for you to pursue a personal-injury case or lawsuit. Before you make the decision one way or the other about contacting a personal-injury attorney in your area, you will want to get to know some of the factors to consider when making your decision.
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  • 2 Mistakes People Make When Preparing For A Personal Injury Lawsuit

    If you have been in a car accident and are considering filing a personal injury lawsuit, it is important that you know what steps you should take. Many people make critical mistakes when it comes to filing a lawsuit, and because of it they either lose their chance to file the lawsuit or get drastically less in the settlement. Here are some mistakes that people make when preparing for their lawsuit.
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  • 4 Steps To Take After An Auto Accident Involving A Semi Truck

    Any car accident is scary, but being involved in a car accident with a semi truck can be especially traumatic. The difference in size often makes a car accident involving a semi truck very serious, and when you're not at fault how you react after the accident can make a big difference in your settlement from the semi truck company's insurance company. If you're involved in a car accident with a semi truck, take the following steps:
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  • Guarding Against Liability If You Own A Vicious Dog

    Being a dog owner comes with a lot of responsibilities, especially if your dog could be deemed as "vicious." According to the law, a dog's breed doesn't define whether or not it is considered vicious, but rather its actions. If your dog has shown signs of aggression toward people, you need to take special precautions to ensure that you don't become legally liable for any injuries your dog might cause in the event of an accident.
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  • 3 Things To Know About Mediation

    If you're involved in a car accident lawsuit, you may realize just how complex and emotionally demanding this process may be. The challenges of dealing with all the stages of these judicial proceedings can be draining. However, you will have the opportunity to settle your case at mediation. It's legally required that you attend this meeting to attempt to avoid going to court for your personal injury case. By knowing some of the things you can expect when attending mediation, this may put your mind at ease.
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  • Avoid These Mistakes After Your Car Accident

    Car crashes are more common than you think. With 10 million crashes each year, the average driver gets into an accident almost every 18 years. When you are involved in a crash, you'll want to avoid making some mistakes to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. Not Making A Police Report Did you get into just a small fender bender? You should still consider making a police report. A common mistake that some people make is just exchanging contact information, but one person does not realize that the other is going to file a claim with their auto insurance company.
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